How to tell what animal is in my Attic?


How to tell what animal is in my attic? The best clue, is when and where you are hearing the animal sounds in your attic. Are you hearing loud noises all night long, like some critters are having a party, or playing a dodge-ball game? Then you most likely have flying squirrels. Are you hearing loud banging noises in the attic? Then you most likely have raccoons. Below, is a brief breakdown of Nuisance Wildlife Animal Noises.

Squirrels: Daytime noise, especially in the morning or evening. Fast scampering, medium volume, usually in the attic, but sometimes the walls, and often the eaves, and vents. Their not as loud with one squirrel when it’s just the first female, but when the young grow large enough, you hear the pitter-patter from the babies.

Raccoons: You will mostly hear loud noises at night. You will hear heavy walking or thumping, like someone is walking around in your attic. If the raccoons are mating, then the adults will actually squeal. A nest of baby raccoons has a very distinctive noises.

Rats: Nigh time only, especially shortly after sunset. Light scurrying and scampering, maybe some scratching. You may also hear fast running up or down the walls.

Mice: Like rats, but a lighter noise. Though in actuality, the acoustics of your home, thickness of walls, presence or lack of insulation has more bearing on volume than animal size.

Bats: They are very quiet, but if there are enough of them, you’ll hear them chirping after sunset.

Flying Squirrels: They are nocturnal, and the sound’s are loud, like they’re playing dodge ball, or having a party.

Birds: Flapping sounds, and chirping. Most of the sound will be during the daytime.

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